четверг, 11 декабря 2008 г.

6 Ways In Which You Can Avoid The History Of Bad Credit

6 Ways In Which You Can Avoid The History Of Bad Credit

1. Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.

Our nation is in chaos and the root of it all stems from good graces of man. Credit is deeply rooted into our history, it stems from a person’s or merchant's product or service is priced too high for the average consumer. When payment from the patron for the item(s) was not convenient at the current time arrangement could be negotiated. This was the birth of the consumer credit program.

Let’s look at a typical California House priced at $395,000. The builder, in order to make a profit, needs to sell many of these homes at this price. How many of us have $395,000 to plop down in one lump sum?

If the builder only sold homes to people who could pay the lump sum, they would not sell many homes and the price would skyrocket to $3,395,000 due to the need for the builder to earn an equitable profit. On the other hand the builder would not make any profit if the homes were sold at $4000 or even $40,000.

2. What’s it going to cost you?

The homes must be sold at a price that is consistent with perceived value and quality, but still needs to make it available to the average consumer. This is the reason the mortgage business is so huge.

Let’s look at another example. This trend is deeply rooted in our history. Have you ever gone to a store and realized you didn’t have the money to purchase an item? Remember asking the store clerk to put it onto your account?

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Actually you can still find this type of system where the merchant would allow the consumer a period of up to 30 days to repay the debt; when payment for the goods or services is not convenient.

3. How did this all begin

This began back in the days of the general store where a patron would come by and pick up a few items, charge them to a personal account and the patron would agree to pay the entire account by the end of the month.

4. Does this all still exist?

You can still find this type of environment but it’s gone for the most part replaced by the modern day credit card and department store card. This is a system designed with the theory that you never have to pay off the balance in full. This is called a revolving credit or charge account; pay off some, then spend it to the limit.

5. What happened to the people

This is where people get in to trouble everyday, late payments piling up, and debt occurring from interest added stress. I don't know of anyone who wants or needs this. As an evolution of this process, it was natural that some type of credit reporting system would be created. Then suddenly the dawn of the credit bureau began.

Creditors or merchants were concerned about doing business with bad debtors; they needed a way to report problem consumers and a way to get the information about them before they established an account for them.

6. With the dawn of the credit bureau trouble had only just begun.

Now that the bureau had been born they began tracking information on individuals and businesses, selling that information to subscribers (creditors) and receiving information as well.

Late payment and other types of errors started occurring on peoples personal credit reports. After a while the errors were so bad that certain individuals were forced to go bankrupt and lose their families to divorce or worse.

People were always in a hurry and rushing to keep up with the Jones'………………or should I say

(___________________________________________________flat line)

Does this sound like you? Do you need help in mastering the ownership of your credit?

We can help; we have the proper solution for you. If you need a free credit report you can get one here at www.raise-my-fico-score.com/freecreditreport.html. Finding out where you stand is the 1st part of understanding your credit history. Knowing your credit history is easy especially since you know your financial situation. If you want to find out more on how to fix your credit, boost your scores and stay on the safe side of the credit barrier.

Dedicated to raising your credit scores.

Here are some of Ryan’s major achieviments.

Past President ACFA San Francisco, CA USA.
Million Dollar Club Memeber Mark Victor Hanson & Robert G. Allen Inspired
Licensed CA Real Estate Agent
Internet Entreprenuer
Certified Cash Flow Consultant
Credit Repair Specialist

Dedicated to your dreams, and fueled by desire Ryan has hit the nail on the head once again. With his break through special mini report

9 Packaging Trends That Will ‘Connect’ You With Consumers

Today's consumer is a moving target. Choosing the right consumer and the right demographic to target is an important decision. Monitoring what is hot and what's not can dramatically influence a package design's success or failure. Package design is an integral way to connect with your customer. But do you clearly understand the needs and wants of these elusive markets?

Understand the customer is critical.
The problem today is that one package may not satisfy the needs and requirements of all buyers.

There are many niche markets out there and each one requires specialized packaging. So if you are targeting one of those, do your research first. What works for one target market may not work for another. So….

1) Find out what package attributes appeal to the customer you are targeting. If it is a harried homemaker shopping for your product then convenience of use had better be at the top of the list. Those over 50 are seeking convenience too but issues like the size of print on the package and ease of use top their priority list. Make sure your package employs the characteristics that appeal to your target market.

2) Understand how the package will be used. Families no longer sit and eat a meal with everyone at the same time. There are special diet requirements or dieting in general in most households. It's not uncommon to serve different meals to different individuals. Package sizes will vary accordingly. EX: People who travel a lot buy sample or trial size packages because they are small and easy to deal with

3) Know your customers current buying trends. Several years ago, we went through the supersized phase. There are still a lot of supersized packages; however, buying trends are changing to smaller sizes

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