Budget Food Shopping
On a tight budget, or just looking to save money, regardless this article can help you achieve your budget food shopping goals. We are going to take twenty dollars ($20), and assume it needs to buy a week’s worth of groceries for you, and your family. This budget shopping guide will help you easily spend that twenty bucks on all the food you’ll need for at least a week, if not more. Here is what you will need:
- 1 5lb bag of potatoes
- 1 lb of ground beef
- Frozen pizzas
- 2 loaves of bre
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- 1 package of bologna
- 2 dozen eggs
- 3 large boxes of assorted pasta
- 1 large can of tomato sauce
- 1 pack of hot dogs
- 1 can of beans
- 1 head of lettuce
- 1 small bottle of Italian dressing
All of these ingredients can be purchased at your local discount store for under a few dollars each. Most items actually will cost 99 cents, or less. A few larger ticket items will cost $2, to $3 at the most. Overall with some thrifty shopping one can easily get the above for under $20.
Now to the good part, what can you make with this list of hodgepodge ingredients, the answer is virtually anything. The eggs and bread can be used for breakfast. The ground beef can be used for dinner, and the lunch meats, and hot dogs will be your lunch staples. The lettuce can act as a salad, or a garnish, and the Italian dressing can be a marinade, and a dressing, depending on the dish. The pasta can be used as a traditional pasta dish, and reused as pasta salad for lunch. Be creative with this list, and enjoy all the savings it will provide you.
Clutter: Winning the Battle With Clutter
Clutter - stashed, stacked, strewn. I frequently come back to this topic because it’s like the Lochness Monster - it may disappear for a time in our lives, but it seems to creep up on us until it rears its ugly head again! Let’s do battle!
Right now on my front porch is a pile of bags and boxes full of shoes, purses, kitchen stuff, grooming products, lamps, an old VCR, tape players, and other perfectly good things that we just aren't using anymore. All this perfectly good stuff is going to a new home (courtesy of a great charity organization) where it will be put to good use, instead of sitting in our basement or in the back of the closet. Does this feel great? You bet!!
Why does it feel so good to get rid of the clutter in your life? When your life (or your closet) is so crammed with "stuff" that it's overflowing, there's no margin, no space for something new and wonderful to come into your life. If you are feeling stuck – start clearing the decks!
If you go into an office or come home to a cluttered, crowded, disorganized space, you don't have the chance to fully recharge your batteries. That is sapping your energy. Most of us have become masters of disguise, too, keeping our clutter well- hidden behind closet
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