суббота, 13 декабря 2008 г.


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Мобильные телефоны, GPS - навигаторы, Гарнитуры, Радиотелефоны, Телефоны, Факсы, Аксессуары к телефонам, Сотовые телефоны CDMA, Мини-АТС


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Встраиваемая Техника:

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Компьютерная периферия, Ноутбуки, Мониторы, Манипуляторы, Карманные компьютеры и коммуникаторы, Игровые приставки, Лазерные принтеры, Аксессуары для ноутбуков, Персональные компьютеры, Струйные принтеры, Электронные книги, Софт и мультимедиа, Серверы, Сетевое оборудование


Цифровые фотоаппараты, Флеш память, Объективы, Фоторамки, Аккумуляторы, Телескопы, Сумки для фотоаппаратов, Бинокли, Бленды и светофильтры, Аналоговые фотоаппараты, Подводные боксы, Штативы, Вспышки,

Бытовая Техника:

Утюги, Эпиляторы, Кофеварки, Кухонные комбайны, Электрочайники, Хлебопечки, Мясорубки, Фены, Кофемолки, Миксеры, Электробритвы, Соковыжималки, Блендеры, Фильтры для воды, Пароварки, яйцеварки, Фритюрницы, Тостеры, Весы, Мини-печи, Водоочистители, Ломтерезки, Грили

Климатическая Техника:

Обогреватели, Кондиционеры, Увлажнители воздуха, Осушители воздуха, Электрокамины, Тепловые завесы,

Офисная Техника:

Многофункциональные устройства, Биндеры, резаки, степлеры, Копиры, Переводчики, Уничтожители бумаг, Ламинаторы, Калькуляторы, Матричные принтеры, Ризографы, Термопринтеры

Удачных покупок....

четверг, 11 декабря 2008 г.

Choose Your Favorite (Model): 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9

Choose Your Favorite (Model): 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9

Counting starts at one. It is a perfect starting position to start the most popular game on the internet; dating, you need as much as yourself. That is, if you are a single and looking for a date.

With two, just having met a date, most (real) problems start. Most games start with two (players). We all know about the universal dichotomies of black and white, left and right, right and wrong. The number two provides a very simple (and therefore) powerful system to categorize … differences.

Three is also used to model the real world, for example by Treacy and Wiersema, known for their "value disciplines" which are: operational excellence (1), product leadership (2), or customer intimacy (3).

Four is used quite often in models. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for example results in an overview of sixteen types, but four (dominant) types form the core of the model.

The five-factor model is comprised of five personality dimensions (OCEAN): Openness to Experience,

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Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

Six is also possible, but relatively seldom. The thinking hats of De Bono (white, red, black, green, yellow and blue) or recently the six values (gold, silver, steel, wood, copper and glass) is a good example.

Seven is abundantly available. The seven habits of highly effective people (S. Covey) for one. But think also about the top7 lists that fill the internet everywhere. Seven appears to be a magic number. But scarcely used in models.

Eight. Belbin, for example, uses the number eight to present different team roles; the Implementer, Shaper, Investigator, Plant, Team worker, Coordinator, Monitor and the Completer (The ninth role, the specialist is left out because it was added later) In fact the basis for the Belbin team role concept consist again of only four main characteristics (thinking, doing, feeling and willing)

Nine – The Enneagram uses nine types; The Perfectionist, The Giver, The Performer, The Romantic, The Observer, The Loyal Skeptic, The Epicure, The Protector and the Mediator.

Selecting a preference is not about the merits of each individual model. You should choose one that fits a real requirement or you might stick to using one you already are familiar with and if it serves your goal.

My own preference is to use models that apply less than seven types. Seven may be a magical number, but will make models complex. It is said that seven is the maximum number of items your are able to memorize on the short term, a fact that contributes to this complexity.
One, on the other end, is not an option either — this would result in a model describing everything. Two is for children to distinguish only between good and evil. So a real model start with at least three options. And between three and six, I intuitively go for an even number with the least number of possibilities. Four.

© 2006 Hans Bool

Hans Bool is the founder of Astor White a traditional management consulting company that offers online management advice. Astor Online solves issues in hours what normally would take days.
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Christmas Traditions: What Makes Christmas So Special To Us? Do We Even Know?

Signs of Santa appear all over town, or nativity scenes, or strings upon stings of holiday lights, and much more. Some of us receive a Christmas card or two in the mail, some of us receive more cards than we can handle. Then of course, in the rush to be absolutely prepared, traffic becomes extremely more congested. The stores are buzzing with exited crowds, and more smiles than usual.

Believe it or not, what makes the holiday season enjoyable for almost all of us are our Christmas traditions. The above observations are cultural and marketing Christmas traditions, but families, couples and individuals have their own personal Christmas traditions that make the holiday a true celebration.

As time goes on and years pass, Christmas traditions go through transformations just as do lifestyles. While a young couple used to set up a small tree on Christmas Eve, and place a few presents underneath that were secretly bought during the past few weeks, now they have their children help string outdo

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People – Life and Death Matters

People – Life and Death Matters

Winning and high-performing companies share the belief that their core asset is the
people who have the knowledge, skill and experience. Maximizing the value of those
core assets is key to business success. It takes the form of the strategy to acquire, retain,
measure, manage and leveraging on the strengths of their people. It is no longer true that
people are the key assets of the company. It is the good people that are the key assets and
give life and vitality to the organisation. Bad people are the liabilities that spell death and

Competitors can catch up on core competencies. Benchmarking and reengineering may
put them on the cutting edge. But only dedicated individuals can continuously produce
new, creative and exciting ideas that allow a company to reinvent itself, manage its selfrenewal
process, and foster a true learning organisation. Yet, many companies still fail to
use the right management and leadership strategies to motivate and retain their staff.

Creative talent, while arguably the most prized asset for any corporation, is probably also
the most unrealized. Creative people are thought to be nonconformist, unpredictable, selfabsorbed
and therefore difficult to manage. Because many organisations are filled with
conformists who tend to like other conformists, the frustrations and limitations of such
stifling organisations drive creative people out. Therein lies the organisation's loss.
Attracting, developing and keeping maverick talents are a major challenge to any leader.
It is essential to create an environment that offers a high degree of freedom and
encourages original ideas.

Company CEOs preached about people being t

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heir most important assets. However, their
managerial actions do not match the rhetoric. Many quote examples of CEOs downsizing
and firing of the people the first instance the company is in financial difficulty.
Operating budgets are slashed on training and development. Employees can clearly see
that the actions of the management action do not support the words. These CEOs got it
all wrong. They should be hard on performance but soft on people.

When Richard Branson nominates his people as Virgin's greatest asset, he points adroitly
to something that gives a corporation a long-term, inimitable competitive edge: the
creative talent of its individual employees. He believed that loyal employees in any
company create loyal customers who in turn create happy shareholders.
In 1993, Branson gave a speech to the British Institute of Directors. His audience no
doubt expected to be amused. Instead, the speech began: "Let me share with you the
philosophy behind our experiences at Virgin. The basic principles are 'People matter'.

When interviewed on Virgin's key success factors, Branson replied: " I'm absolutely
certain that it is a question of the kind of people you have, the way you motivate them.
I'm sure that is what can make any company successful. If you can motivate your people,
you can get through bad times and you can enjoy the good times together. If you fail to
motivate our people, your company is doomed not to perform well. I find that I spend a
lot of time trying to concentrate on motivating. Part of Virgin's management philosophy
is based on the fundamental belief that the individual is all-important in our company."
Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart took five hours at the shareholders' meeting to
individually thank his four thousand excellent performing staff. Subsequently, he would
invite them all to his home. Proctor & Gamble treated its staff as family members. All
these top and successful companies truly recognise their people's contributions to the
success of their companies.

Boulton, Richard E S et al said: "In 1978, on average, book value represented 95% of
market value, while 10 years later it was 28%. Today, it is estimated that 80% of stock
value is driven from assets that do not appear on the balance sheets, assets like people,
brands, knowledge and relationships."

The issue relating to company is usually the "what and how" but rather than the "who".
This is the wrong emphasis. It is no use having all the correct strategies and resources
when you do not have the right people to do the job. To compete successfully externally,
you need to have people perform successfully internally.


Dr Mike Teng (DBA, MBA, BEng, FIMechE, FIEE, CEng, PEng, FCMI, FCIM, SMCS) is the author of the best-selling business book "Corporate Turnaround: Nursing a sick company back to health", in 2002. In 2006, he authored another book entitled, "Corporate Wellness: 101 Principles in Turnaround and Transformation." Dr Teng is widely recognized as a turnaround CEO in Asia by the news media. He has 27 years of experience in corporate responsibilities in the Asia Pacific region. Of these, he held Chief Executive Officer's positions for 17 years in multi-national, local and publicly listed companies. He led in the successful turnaround of several troubled companies. He is currently the Managing Director of a business advisory firm, Corporate Turnaround Centre Pte Ltd, which assists companies on a fast track to financial performance. Dr Teng was the President of the Marketing Institute of Singapore (2000 – 2004), the national body representing some 5000 individual and corporate marketing professionals in Singapore

6 Steps To Your Own Website

A lot of people these days are interested in getting their own place on the world wide web. Whether itґs a personal site like a blog, or a business site, they all need to have a decent plan before they get started.

A few years ago I started designing and creating websites myself. I started just to show off to others, but I noticed it wasn't as easy I thought it was. I mean, it is easy to get a site online; you just buy a template, pay a coder, and pay some one to insert content and advertise for you then you're done. But if you want to do things yourself, that's where it gets tricky.

After a few sites, I managed to find a certain pattern in the process of creating and managing my websites.

1. I always start with an idea for subject and content. Believe me - never create a website about something you hate and know nothing about. Instead create a website about something you know a lot about and like to tell other people about. What also works is writing about a subject you would like to know more on, after doing your own research. Newbies can explain information to other newbies easier then proґs explaining information to newbies.

2. Then I think of a design to go with it, to reflect its idea. Like if your subject is Boats, then don't go with a flaming red design. Sure it could do it, but I would prefer for a blue, water-like design to reflect its subject.

3. If the design is done, you need to get it coded. Some create their des

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Networking Events - Use Your Time Wisely

Networking Events - Use Your Time Wisely

Networking events provide an effective way to meet and connect with potential clients. What you need to do when you attend these networking events, though, is quickly determine if the person you are talking to is a “sweet spot” client.

Is this person part of your small business target market?
Is he or she a decision maker or influencer?
Does this business have the potential to become a regular, long-term client?

To get these answers you need to work the room at a networking event efficiently and productively.

“Working” A Networking Event

At networking events you want to talk to people that own or manage a small business. These are the people who have potential to become your sweet spot clients. At the very least, the people you talk to at these networking events should work in, or for, a small business

You DON’T want to waste time at networking events talking to people who work for:

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When you connect with a person who fits the small business criteria, ask some subtle questions to determine if he or she meets the sweet - spot profile. Questions to ask people at networking events include:

What kind of systems do you have?  Do folks use a lot of computers at your office?  Do you have a network?  What kind of network do you have?  How many people are on the network?

The answers to these questions will help you lead the discussion and give you a lot of great insight as to where to go next.

The next step is to determine if you are talking with the appropriate person in the organization. A good question to ask for this purpose is, What kind of systems do you use?” If they can answer the question then you can be fairly certain they are a decision maker or are close enough to the decision maker to be an influencer. Asking these types of questions at networking events helps you determine if you should push further or walk away.

The Bottom Line on Networking Events

Networking events offer a short window to connect with as many potential clients as possible. You want to use your time at these networking events wisely. By asking direct and specific questions you can quickly determine the sweet - spot potential of the people attending the networking event. If there is potential, then follow-up questions to determine if the person you are talking to is a decision maker or influencer are in order. If not, then you can be confident in your decision to say good bye and move on.

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Joshua Feinberg helps small business computer consulting firms get more steady, high-paying clients. Learn how you can too. Sign-up now for your free access to a one-hour audio training program on Small Business Computer Consulting Tips.

Bird Houses In Consideration

Like many things, bird houses are prone to cycles of infatuation and disregard. Yet through the years these wooden contrivances of kindness have seemed to be a mainstay of yards throughout the United States, Europe and other places. In fact, these bird domiciles are back in vogue once again and, in some cases, are becoming even more ostentatious.

Bird domiciles hold many features of attraction for people. One of these is that they are quite simply cute. To have a small house upon a pole or hanging from a tree is a point of fine conversation for many. As well, the entertainment value of watching birds feeding or entering and exiting these small houses is a point of great satisfaction for many people.I love to watch our little feathered friends and a nice bird house will at

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Is this Network Marketing Business Going to Work?

Is this Network Marketing Business Going to Work?

Having a network marketing business can be a great way for you to make money all from the comfort of your own home. However, in order for you to find a successful network marketing business, you need to know what to look for in a potential network marketing business. Having an idea of what qualities in this type of business will allow you to only make money and be successful, but it will also allow you to enjoy having a network marketing business.

While over 60 million people have successful network marketing businesses, they are enjoying the earnings of these businesses. Over $80 billion dollars in revenues has been generated through network marketing businesses. However, all the lure of money can often be blinding when you are considering getting into the network marketing field. How do you know if a network marketing business is a quality business?

First, make sure you are working with a business that is trying to do something to meet someone's needs. In some companies, you may just be recruiting for the sake of recruiting, but there should be a prod

uct to back up your efforts. Any good network marketing business is multi-purposed in that it allows you to make money while also fulfilling the needs of the people you are recruiting.

Another consideration when trying to determine if the network marketing business is worth your time is if the product you will be offering is innovative. If the network marketing business is selling something a person can get at any local market, then you may not find your network marketing business to be as successful. Make sure the network marketing business offers something a little special that is a step-ahead of the competition. A great example of this is Charles Fuch's 1StepSystem network marketing program. With an innovative product, the network marketing becomes simplified.

Another key point to think about when looking at network marketing programs is whether or not the marketing program is easy and low-stress. No mater how much money your network marketing business can make you, the constant state of stress will take too much of a toll. The marketing plan should be easy to follow and should let you move at your own pace. If you are allowed to move up the ladder at your own pace, you will find yourself being much more successful. Your successes will be enhanced, and your failures minimized.

Finally, you should look at the cost of the network marketing program before you jump into it. If your start up cost is outrageous for what you are selling, you may want to take a closer look at the network marketing business. If you are getting into network marketing for the first time, and you are unsure if it is right for you, then you want to go with a low cost network marketing program. Programs like the 1StepSystem have virtually no cost to join and reap fast rewards.

Read the rest of the article here: Is This Network Marketing Business Going to Work?.

Download the Home Based Business Manual (Free $97 Value!) and receive valuable tips, strategies and techniques designed to grow a very successful Home Based Business.

Charles Fuchs is an established Six Figure Income earner and one of the top online marketer’s. He specializes in showing people the fastest way to Starting a business.

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